Healthy Mind Centre

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5 Benefits of Assessment with a Provisional Psychologist

By Kristi Mazalin, Provisional Psychologist, & Emma Langley, Clinical Psychologist

Are you considering a psychological assessment? Provisional Psychologists at the Healthy Mind Centre are here to provide you with a range of comprehensive assessments tailored to your unique needs, including psychometric testing, developmental and behavioural screening, and mental health or other diagnostic evaluations. Our Provisional Psychologists conduct assessments that span cognitive functioning, academic performance, and the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental differences such as ADHD. Here are 5 benefits of completing an assessment with a Provisional Psychologist:


1. Supervision

Every psychological assessment conducted by a Provisional Psychologist is meticulously supervised by their Board Approved Supervisor. This oversight ensures a consistently high standard of assessment. Provisional Psychologists and their Board Approved Supervisors are regulated by professional bodies like AHPRA and the APS, ensuring the highest level of ethics and professionalism.

2. Timely access

Unlike registered psychologists or clinical psychologists with extensive caseloads, provisional psychologists generally have shorter wait times. This means you can access your assessment within a more reasonable timeframe, helping you to move forward with your needs promptly.

3. Collaboration:

Our Provisional Psychologists benefit from extensive supervision hours provided by our senior clinical psychologists. The wealth of collaborative experience allows them to offer diverse perspectives and insights. Your assessment benefits from a collective pool of knowledge, ensuring a comprehensive and thorough evaluation.

4. Personalised attention

Provisional Psychologists at HMC maintain smaller client caseloads. This intentional approach facilitates in-depth research and analysis for every assessment. Your evaluation receives personalised attention, providing you with a detailed and insightful understanding of your situation.

5. Contemporary practices

Provisional Psychologists undergo placements in various settings, exposing them to different contexts and contemporary practices. This diverse experience enriches their understanding and informs their assessments, ensuring a holistic and up-to-date evaluation of your needs. Additionally, Provisional Psychologists at HMC receive specific training in neurodiversity-affirming practices, ensuring a sensitive and inclusive approach to assessments.

Want to gain insight into your unique brain? You can find out more about our assessment process HERE. Or you might be ready to enquire with our friendly admin team via